Assistant Professor
Structural Design & Mechanics
AI Lab for Design, Analysis, and Optimization
Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology
Journal Papers
Morato P.G., Andriotis C.P., Papakonstantinou K.G., Rigo P., "Inference and dynamic decision-making for deteriorating systems with probabilistic dependencies through Bayesian networks and deep reinforcement learning", arXiv preprint, arXiv:2209.01092, 2022. [Link]
Altamimi A., Lagoa C., Borges J.G., McDill M.E., Andriotis C.P., Papakonstantinou K.G., "Large-Scale Wildfire Mitigation Through Deep Reinforcement Learning", Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5:734330, 2022. [Link]
Morato P.G., Papakonstantinou K.G., Andriotis C.P., Nielsen J.S., Rigo P., "Optimal inspection and maintenance planning for deteriorating structural components through dynamic Bayesian networks and Markov decision processes", Structural Safety, 94, 102140, 2022. [Link]
Andriotis, C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Deep reinforcement learning driven inspection and maintenance planning under incomplete information and constraints”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 212 (8), 107551, 2021. [Link]
Andriotis, C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Chatzi, E.N., “Value of structural health information in partially observable stochastic environments”, Structural Safety, 93 (11), 102072, 2021. [Link]
Lyritsakis, C.M., Andriotis, C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Geometrically exact hybrid beam element based on nonlinear programming”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (13), 3273-3299, 2021. [Link]
Andriotis, C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Managing engineering systems with large state and action spaces through deep reinforcement learning”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 191 (11), 106483, 2019. [Link]
Andriotis, C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Extended and generalized fragility functions”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 144 (9), 04018087, 2018. [Link]
Papakonstantinou K.G., Andriotis C.P., and Shinozuka M., “POMDP and MOMDP solutions for structural life-cycle cost minimization under partial and mixed observability”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14 (7), 869-882, 2018. [Link]
Andriotis, C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Koumousis, V.K., “Nonlinear programming hybrid beam-column element formulation for large displacement elastic and inelastic analysis”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 144 (10), 04018096, 2018. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., I. Gkimousis, and V.K. Koumousis, “Modeling reinforced concrete structures using smooth plasticity and damage models”, Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 142, no. 2, p. 04015105, 2016. [Link]
Conference Papers
Saifullah, M., Andriotis C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Stoffels, S.M., “Deep reinforcement learning-based life-cycle management of deteriorating transportation systems”, 11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS), Barcelona, Spain, 2022. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Optimizing policies for deteriorating systems using intrinsic action structuring and value of information”, 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR), Shanghai, China, June, 2022. [Link]
Morato, P.G., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Andriotis, C.P., “Managing off-shore wind turbines through Markov decision processes and dynamic Bayesian networks”, 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR), Shanghai, China, June, 2022. [Link]
Yi, S., Papakonstantinou, K.G., Andriotis, C.P., and Song, J., “Appraisal and mathematical properties of fragility analysis methods”, 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR), Shanghai, China, June, 2022. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Life-cycle policies for large engineering systems under complete and partial observability”, 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Seoul, South Korea, 2019. [Link]
Papakonstantinou, K.G., Andriotis, C.P., Gao, H., and Chatzi, E.N., “Quantifying the value of information of structural health monitoring for decision making”, 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Seoul, South Korea, 2019. [Link]
Lyritsakis, C.M., Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Nonlinear programming approach to a shear-deformable hybrid beam element for large displacement inelastic analysis”, 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Crete, Greece, 2019. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Dependent Markov models for long-term structural fragility”, 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (NCEE), Los Angeles, California, USA, 2018. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Probabilistic structural performance assessment in hidden damage spaces”, Proceedings of Computational Stochastic Mechanics (CSM) Conference, Greece, Paros, 2018. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Rathod, Y., “A consistent integrated formulation for fragility analysis and comparison with different methods”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Generalized multivariate fragility functions with multiple damage states”, 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR), Vienna, Austria, 2017. [Link]
Papakonstantinou K.G., Andriotis C.P., and Shinozuka M., “Point-based POMDP solvers for life-cycle cost minimization of deteriorating structures”, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands, 2016. [Link]
Papakonstantinou, K.G., Andriotis C.P., and Shinozuka M., “POMDP solutions for monitored structures”, Proceedings of IFIP WG-7.5 Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, 2016. [Link]​
Technical Reports
Hooks, E.M., McNeil, S., Lattanzi, D., Papakonstantinou, K., Stoffels, S., Zhou, W., Kamranfar, P., Saifullah, M., Andriotis, C. and Withers, A., "Strategic Prioritization and Planning of Multi-Asset Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Improvements: Phase 1–Prioritization through Optimization", No. CIAM-UTC-REG5, Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS), 2021. [Link]
Papakonstantinou, K.G., Guler, I., Gayah, V., Saifullah, M., Andriotis, C.P. and Lu, M., "AI-enabled Fiscally Constrained Lifecycle Asset Management for Infrastructure Systems", No. CIAM-UTC-REG21, LTI 2022-05, Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS), 2021. [Link]
Conference Abstracts
Andriotis, C. P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Stochastic optimization of risk-constrained management policies for deteriorating systems under state and model uncertainties”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2022. ​
Morato, P.G., Andriotis, C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Rigo, P., “Model updating, condition assessment, and maintenance of multi-component systems under correlated deterioration processes”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2022.
Saifullah, M., Andriotis, C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Stoffels, S.M., “Decentralized actor-critic deep reinforcement learning approach for optimal life-cycle management of transportation networks”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2022.
Andriotis, C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Deep reinforcement learning for stochastic optimal control of complex systems under constraints”, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022.
Altamimi, A.L., Lagoa, C., Borges, J., McDill, M., Andriotis, C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Large-scale wildfire mitigation through deep reinforcement learning”, 19th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, Estes Park, CO, USA, 2022.
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Deep reinforcement learning approach to structural inspection and maintenance policy optimization subject to life-cycle reliability constraints”, 14th International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control (EUROGEN), Athens, Greece, 2021.
Andriotis C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Chatzi, E.N., “Value of structural health information: Theoretical properties and connections to stochastic optimal control”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), New York, NY, USA, 2021.
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Partially observable Markov decision processes solutions for life-cycle inspection and maintenance planning under short- and long-term budget constraints”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), New York, NY, 2021. [Link]
Morato, P.G., Andriotis, C.P., Papakonstantinou, K.G., Hlaing, N., and Rigo, P., “Optimal management of offshore wind structural systems via deep reinforcement learning and Bayesian networks”, Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC), Hannover, Germany, 2021.
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Stochastic control in partially observable structural domains using deep actor-critic reinforcement learning”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Pasadena, CA, 2019. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., and Chatzi, E.N. “Value of information assessment of structural health monitoring through optimal stochastic control”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Pasadena, CA, 2019. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Deep reinforcement learning for optimal decision-making of large engineering systems”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Cambridge, MA, 2018. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Learning hidden structural deterioration using recurrent neural networks”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Cambridge, MA, 2018. [Link]
Lyritsakis, C., Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Hybrid beam element formulation based on exact kinematics and nonlinear programming”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Cambridge, MA, May, 2018. [Link]
Papakonstantinou K.G., Andriotis C.P., “From monitored data to autonomous informed decisions”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), San Diego, CA, 2017. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Multi-featured generalized fragility functions from a statistical learning perspective”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), San Diego, CA, 2017. [Link]
Andriotis C.P., and Papakonstantinou, K.G., “Elastoplastic and geometrically nonlinear analysis of frame structures based on generalized total potential energy functional”, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Vanderbilt, TN, 2016. [Link]
Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL, Delft
email: c.andriotis [at] tudelft [dot] nl
Copyright © 2020-21 by C.P. Andriotis